Thursday, June 19, 2008

Phish: Business Transaction.

Ooook. Yes, I do live in the western world. However, that doesn't mean that I would want to accept money on your behalf, even if I thought you were going to offer me a large cut of the cash- like, $10 million or so. Which, you probably will.

You know, I find it very interesting that someone who's obviously so high up in the Chinese government (I mean, your email address says "officialgov"- so you must be official, right?) is so poorly off that he has to use the Chinese Yahoo email. I mean, I know gas prices are high for you as well, but I didn't know it was as bad as all that.

You know what? Since you're having such a hard time of it, I'll do this thing. I'll accept money on your behalf. Just have it sent to:

To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: Business Transaction.
Date: Mon 03/10/08 01:55 AM

I want to solicit your attention to recieve money on my behalf. The
purpose of my contacting you is because you live in western world.
When you reply this message,i will send you the full details and more
information about myself and the funds.
My personal email is:
Thank you.
Mou Xinsheng.

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