Thursday, June 12, 2008

Phish: Your oustanding payment of US$1.400,000,00

Again, this is an obvious scam. However, there are two spots that crack me up. 1) where the US government is referred to as the United State Government, and where they say the "president of America". Oh yeah. They went there. As far as I'm aware, there is no President of America. There is a President of the United States of America... Canada has a Prime Minister, and... er, I'm not listing everthing in Central and South America... Mexico is part of North America, right?

From: "Madam Ngozie Iwuala"
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: Your outstanding payment of US$1.400,000,00
Date: Sat 06/07/08 06:30 AM

Dear Beneficiary,

The Afro-Euro Stock Funds Commission (A.S.F.C.) was setup by the
Union in conjunction with the European Union, The United State
and the World Bank for the sole purpose of resolving pending
transfer.Because of this outstanding problem, the president of America
and his secretary general came to settle all outstanding debt in Benin
Republic West Africa (releasing of your fund) .I am sorry I
have not email you, this is due to we lost everything in the process of
reformat our computer but fortunately my secretary found your email
address for me .In the light of this,we have learned that an
account has been opened to receive your payment, So far these criminals
have stolen approximately five hounded thousand from your entitlement

However, Contact the director Oceanic Bank Plc with the below
through this Email: contact person Dr
Iheoma in case you have not received your password to enable you
retransfer the funds to your choosing financial delivery selection as
price beneficiary, your full names, your home address, your direct
number, your age and occupation to enable them send you the password
you will Present to the teller in any bank around you and state that you
have a transfer awaiting you from Oceanic Bank Plc.You will receive the
funds in $US100 bills,immediately a total sum of One Million Four
Thousand dollars.The only money that you are going to pay is US$195 only
for reprogramming of your payment before the transfer could be made to

If you do not take action immediately within the next couple of days, I
will assume that you no longer interest to receive your funds and we
repatriate your funds for confiscation without further recourse to
you.Please forgive us for the address,We lost every information on the
process of reformat our computer.

Best regards ,
Madam Ngozie Iwuala

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