While most of the phishes and spams that I get sound as though English isn't the author's first language, this one sounds as if an American highschooler wrote it. And I don't mean the straight A, spelling bee champ either.
The first paragraph is so convoluted that I'm not even going to try to piece it out except to say, subscriber to Microsoft Windows? Oh, dear dog. Like Yahoo would really make such a pathetic mistake! And all email users are being forced to switch to Yahoo Beta? Um, I hope they mean all Yahoo email users, and not all email users, cuz, yanno, I don't use Yahoo since they sell email information to spammers! They even tell you so in their TOS, and make it almost impossible to unsubscribe from that "feature".
Ranting aside, I'm not even going to point out that Yahoo would not be sending email from student.com, or that even if Yahoo UK were giving away 3 million Euros, that they wouldn't be sending it to an American. I'm not even going to ask what a "driven" license is.
And you know why? Because we all know that I'm a sucker for spam with pictures. Keep 'em comin', boys!
From: "Lotto Yahoo"
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: Congratulation: You have won the sum of €3,000,000.00 EURO
Date: Sun 06/29/08 02:02 AM

Date: 27th / 06/ 2008
This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of Three Million Euro (3,000,000.00) for the YEAR 2008 Lottery promotion which is organized by Yahoo!! Lottery INC for the introduction of the new Yahoo Beta Mail which all email users are required to switch onto.
Yahoo! & Microsoft Windows, arrange and gather all the e-mail addresses of the people that are active online, among the billions that subscribed to Yahoo! & Microsoft Windows, and others we only select five (5) candidates per annually as our winners through Electronic Balloting System (EBS) without the candidate applying, we congratulate you for being one of the people selected.
You have to immediately contact your claims agent to direct you on what to do towards recieving your prize.
Yahoo Beta Lottery Prize must be claimed not later than 7 days from date of Draw Notification after the Draw date in which Prize has won.
Note: Any prize not claimed within this period (7 days) will be forfeited.
These are your identification numbers:
Batch number.....................8576657438
Reff number........................4354676/ 54653
Winning number...............434
These numbers above fall within the London agent's Location file, you are requested to contact him and send your Identification Numbers and Personal Information to him;
Yahoo Office In UK.
Email at: bar.dalton@ymail.com
You are therefore advised to send the following information to him to facilitate them and process the transfer of your fund with the appointed paying bank.
Send your Identification Numbers/Your Personal Information to him immediately:
Personal Information
****. Full name..............
****. Contact Address........
****. Age....................
****. Telephone Number.......
****. Marital Status.........
****. Sex....................
****. Zip Code...............
****. Occupation.............
****. State:.................
****. Country................
****. Nationality............
Paying bank requirement
****. Your driven license or Your international ID Card.
Congratulations once again.
Yours in service,
Bar Dalton John

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